How to build a Discord support bot with

December 12, 2024

Want to build an AI-powered support bot that can answer questions using an external knowledge base? In this guide, we'll show you how to use's KMS and Messaging APIs to create a data pipeline that pulls content from a knowledge management system (like Notion) and train your Discord bot to answer support questions.

We'll be using React and Typescript in these examples, which you can adapt to fit your framework of choice.


This guide walks you through how to:

  • Pull knowledge base content using our KMS API
  • Process and prepare this content for your AI training pipeline
  • Send responses through Discord using our Messaging API

While we won't dive deep into the AI/ML aspects of building a support bot, we'll provide guidance on where this fits in your development pipeline and point you to relevant resources for those components.

Before you begin

Make sure you have:

  • A account
  • Access to a knowledge management system (e.g., Notion) containing your support content
  • A Discord server where you want to deploy your bot

If you don't want to use real data from Notion or Discord, you can also take advantage of's sandbox environment and work with synthetic data instead.

The following steps assume you already have your account with your workspace ID and API key available. If you're new, check out our Quick Start guide to get familiar with the platform.

Set up your connections

The first thing you'll do is activate your preferred KMS platform to be the source of data for your bot. We'll use Notion in this guide, but our KMS API supports 8 platforms today and more are being added on a regular basis.

Note: If you're using the sandbox environment, for the steps below that ask you to enter your OAuth 2 credentials, just enter any random value e.g., test123.

Activate Notion and Discord integrations

  1. On, go to the Integrations page
  2. Search for and select Notion
  3. Choose OAuth 2, enter your credentials (which can be anything if you're using the sandbox environment), and then click Activate

Repeat steps 1-3 but for Discord. If you want to use real data from Notion and Discord, check out our how-to guides on setting up with them:

(Sandbox environment) Create a test connection from the web app

If you're using the sandbox environment, then you can create test connections easily from the web app.

  1. On, go to the Connections page
  2. Click on Create test connection at the top right corner of the page (note: this will only show up if your current environment is the sandbox environment)
  3. Click on the Notion and Discord integrations
  4. Click Done

Skip ahead to the "Pull content from your knowledge base" step below.

(Production environments) Add the Authorization component to your app

To ask for your users' permission to access their Notion and Discord accounts, you can add's Authorization component to your front-end:

  1. Add the following React component to your app. Make sure to replace WORKSPACE_ID with your actual workspace ID.
// TODO: Make sure to run 'npm install @unified-api/react-directory'
import UnifiedDirectory from '@unified-api/react-directory';

<UnifiedDirectory workspace_id={WORKSPACE_ID}/>

We also offer pre-built embedded components in Angular, Vue, and Svelte. See other ways to display the Authorization component in your app here.

The Authorization component displays a list of your integrations. When your user clicks on one of these integrations, the authorization flow will open up in a new tab. Your users will follow the steps to grant you access to their accounts. When that is done, they will be redirected back to your app (the default success URL location).

  1. Handle the callback after a user authorizes an integration. The connection ID will be sent back in the success URL - we need to save this to make API calls later on. In this example, we'll save the connection ID to local storage:
function handleAuthCallback() {
  const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(;
  const connectionId = urlParams.get('id');

  if (connectionId) {
    console.log('New connection created:', connectionId);
// Store this connection ID securely - you'll need it for API calls
    localStorage.setItem('unifiedConnectionId', connectionId);

window.addEventListener('load', handleAuthCallback);

For this guide, you can be your own test user:

  1. Click on the Notion integration in the Authorization component
  2. Grant access to your Notion workspace
  3. Repeat for Discord
  4. Save both connection IDs - you'll need them for the next steps

Note: In production, you should associate these connection IDs with your user's account in your database. For more information, see our guide on How to associate connection IDs with your users.

Pull content from your knowledge base

Now that you've got a connection ID, we can start making calls to the Unified API!

First, let's write some functions to recursively fetch all content from your KMS:

const axios = require('axios');

async function fetchContent(connectionId, apiKey) {
  const spaces = await fetchAllSpaces(connectionId, apiKey);
  const allContent = [];

  for (const space of spaces) {
    const pages = await fetchPagesInSpace(connectionId, apiKey,;

  return allContent;

async function fetchAllSpaces(connectionId, apiKey) {
  const response = await axios.get(
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${apiKey}`,
      params: {
        limit: 100,

async function fetchPagesInSpace(connectionId, apiKey, spaceId) {
  const response = await axios.get(
      headers: {
        Authorization: `Bearer ${apiKey}`,
      params: {
        limit: 100,
        space_id: spaceId,


Call fetchContent in your app to see the results. You should see a collection of Pages.

Process the content for your AI pipeline

Here's an example of how to prepare your content for training an LLM:

function processContent(pages) {
  return => ({
    title: page.title,
    content: page.download_url,
    metadata: {
      created_at: page.created_at,
      updated_at: page.updated_at,
      space_id: page.space_id


At this point, you would typically:

  1. Clean and format the text
  2. Split content into appropriate chunk sizes for your LLM
  3. Generate embeddings
  4. Store in a vector database

For implementation details on these steps, we recommend checking out resources like:

Set up real-time message monitoring

To make your support bot responsive, you'll need to set up webhooks to receive notifications when users send messages in Discord channels.

  1. Create a webhook to monitor Discord messages:

async function createDiscordWebhook(connectionId, apiKey, hookUrl) {
  try {
    const response = await
        connection_id: connectionId,
        hook_url: hookUrl,// Your server endpoint that will receive webhook events
        object_type: 'messaging_message',
        event: 'created'// Get notified when new messages are created
        headers: {
          Authorization: `Bearer ${apiKey}`
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error creating webhook:', error);
    throw error;

createDiscordWebhook(CONNECTION_ID, API_KEY, 'https://localhost:8000/webhook')
  1. Set up an endpoint on your server to handle incoming webhook events. For example:'/webhook', async (req, res) => {
// Verify webhook signature
  const { data, webhook, nonce, sig } = req.body;

// Handle new messages
  for (const message of data) {
// Ignore messages from the bot itself
    if ( === BOT_USER_ID) continue;

// Process the message and generate a response
    const response = await generateBotResponse(message.message);

// Send the response back to the channel
    await sendDiscordResponse(

  1. Validate incoming webhooks (recommended):
const crypto = require('crypto');

function verifyWebhookSignature(data, nonce, signature, workspaceSecret) {
  const hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha1', workspaceSecret);
  const calculatedSignature = hmac
    .update(JSON.stringify(data) + nonce)

  return calculatedSignature === signature;

With this setup, your bot can:

  1. Receive notifications whenever a new message is sent in the monitored channels
  2. Process those messages through your AI pipeline
  3. Send responses back to the appropriate channel

For more details on webhooks at, see our guide to webhooks.

Send responses through Discord

When you're ready to respond to a user's question, use our Messaging API to send the message back to Discord. Here's an example implementation with error handling and message formatting:

async function sendDiscordResponse(connectionId, apiKey, channelId, response) {
  try {
// Format the response for better readability
    const formattedResponse = formatDiscordMessage(response);

        channel_id: channelId,
        message: formattedResponse,
        message_html: formattedResponse,// Optional: Use for formatted text
        headers: {
          Authorization: `Bearer ${apiKey}`,
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error sending message:', error);
// Handle common errors
    throw error;

function formatDiscordMessage(response) {
// Example formatting for Discord markdown
  return `**Bot Response:**\n${response}`;

// Example usage with different message types
async function sendBotResponses(connectionId, apiKey, channelId) {
// Simple text response
  await sendDiscordResponse(
    'Here is the answer to your question...'

// Response with code block
  await sendDiscordResponse(
    '```javascript\nconst example = "code block";\n```'

// Response with rich formatting
  await sendDiscordResponse(
    '**Bold text** and *italic text* with a [link]('

Putting it all together

Here's a basic example of how these components work together:

async function initializeSupportBot() {
  // Initialize your environment
  // We have not shown the `getKMSConnection` and `getDiscordConnection` functions in this guide
  // Implement them in your favourite framework to get the connection IDs from your database
  const KMS_CONNECTION_ID = await getKMSConnection(user_id);
  const DISCORD_CONNECTION_ID = await getDiscordConnection(user_id);
  const API_KEY = process.env.API_KEY;

  // Fetch and process content
  const kmsContent = await fetchKmsContent(KMS_CONNECTION_ID, API_KEY);
  const processedContent = processContentForAI(kmsContent);

  // Here you would:
  // 1. Train or update your AI model
  // 2. Set up your Discord bot event listeners
  // 3. Initialize your vector database

  // Example of handling a question
  async function handleQuestion(channelId, question) {
    // Your AI processing logic here
    const response = 'Your AI-generated response';

    await sendDiscordResponse(


Congratulations! You've built the starting foundations for an AI-powered support bot using's APIs. In this guide, you saw how to:

  • Connect to knowledge management systems like Notion to access your content
  • Set up real-time message monitoring in Discord
  • Send formatted responses back to users

The best part? This is just the beginning. Since you're using's APIs, you can easily expand your bot to work with other platforms. Want to pull content from Coda instead of Notion? Or maybe deploy your bot on Slack? It's just a matter of changing the connection - your core logic stays the same.

Happy building!

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