How to access employees and users

June 25, 2024

How do you get information on a customer account's users and employees?

The essential idea is that regardless of whether the integration involves an e-commerce, CRM, or accounting application, user information for a corporate account is consistently accessible through our unified HR API. This is achieved using the HR Get Employee and List Employees API endpoints.

GET /hris/{connection_id}/employee

GET /hris/{connection_id}/employee/{id}

There are approximately 120 integrations that support the HR Employee endpoints.

Employee/User IDs in all unified data models

Here is a list of different objects across all our unified API categories that link back to an HR Employee via their IDs. Note: We use the terms 'employee' and 'user' interchangeably.

CategoryData ModelFieldDescription
ATSActivityuser_idsThe recruiters associated with this activity
ATSCandidateuser_idThe recruiter or hiring manager associated with this candidate
ATSDocumentuser_idThe user who created this document
ATSInterviewuser_idsThe employees that were in this interview
Call CenterCalluser_idThe agent
CRMCompanyuser_idThe salesperson that is responsible for this company/account
CRMContactuser_idThe salesperson that is responsible for this contact
CRMDealuser_idThe salesperson that is responsible for this deal/opportunity
CRMLead user_idThe salesperson that is responsible for this lead
CRMLeadcreator_user_idThe user that created this lead
HREmployeemanager_idThis user's reporting manager
HRGroupuser_idsThe group's members
HRGroupmanager_idsThe group's managers
HRPayslipuser_idThe employee that this pay slip pertains to
HRTimeoffuser_idThe employee that this time off request pertains to
HRTimeoffapprover_user_idThe employee that approved this time off request
KMSSpaceuser_idThe creator of this space
KMSPageuser_idThe creator of this oage
StorageFileuser_idThe owner of this file/folder
TasksProjectuser_idsThe users that belong to this project
TicketingNoteuser_idThe user who created this note
TicketingTicketuser_idThe user who created this ticket

Here are several practical use cases that leverage our unified HR API for non-HR use-cases:

Streamlined Onboarding: Automate your customers' onboarding process by syncing employee data across HR, task management, and training platforms. Ensure that new hires are promptly added to all necessary systems and have access to the right resources from day one.

Assigning Leads and Deals: Assign newly created leads and/or deals to a specific sales-rep using their user ID

Notify Hiring Managers: When adding a new candidate and their job application, notify the hiring manager by retrieving their information and emailing them

By integrating employee data across multiple SaaS platforms, organizations can improve operational efficiency, enhance data accuracy, and provide a better employee experience.


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